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The Fortress Beehive was designed for those who consider the following:

  1. Those who have discovered that the modern version of the ‘Langstroth’ hive was not designed with the honey bee in mind, except for bee-space.
  2. Those who Think Outside the Pine Box™ and who are not satisfied with the results produced using modern Langstroth hives.
  3. Those who want more direct control of the conditions inside their bees’ home – Apis Indoor Climate Control™
  4. Beekeepers who not unlike those who abhor the way modern factory farms treat their livestock, prefer a more nurturing, concerned and respectful approach to bee animal husbandry.
  5. Those who realize that humans have all but completely screwed up the natural insect world that surrounds us.
  6. Those who see the chemical Ferris wheel approach to dealing with honey bee pathogens as a way to destroy apis morphology, hobbling bees’ natural ability to adapt to natural attacks against them.
  7. Those who are against treating honey bees chemically and who understand that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
  8. Those who understand that beekeeping has always been about killing honey bees in order to rob them of honey.
  9. Those who do not keep bees for the honey, rather they keep them in limited numbers to assist in pollination of crops, without adversely interfering with native pollinators natural processes.
  10. Those who love Mother Nature and who abide by her rules.
  11. Those who recognize that a honey bee colony would rather live and prosper in the floor, wall or roof of a human home, than to suffer and die in a modern ‘Langstroth’ beehive.
  12. Those who have bears who want to get the bees brood and honey, but don’t want an ugly brutal electric fence surrounding their beehives.
  13. Those who want a hive that enables them to research and affect the indoor conditions of the bees’ manmade place of residence, and the health and production of the colony by safe and humane methods and practices.
  14. Those who are committed to finding new means by which they can successfully alter the destructive path that the bee industry advocates, therefore walking down the road-less-travelled and reaching a better destination than that which the rapacious modern methods are taking bees and their rapists (keepers).
  15. Those who understand that ‘backyard” beekeeping with modern versions of the Langstroth beehive is most often disappointing, very hard and uncomfortable work, costly in that there is rarely a substantial profit to be made, and the experience is often a net-negative reward.
  16. Those who realize that environmental conditions in the world today are not the work of Mother Nature; rather the work of geoengineers and the Military Industrial Complex, that is affecting all forms of life on earth.
  17. Those who see honeybees as ‘the priority’ followed by the needs of the beekeeper.
  18. Those who see the modern version of the Langstroth beehive as an ugly structure that stands in direct contrast to the natural beauty of the world.
  19. Those who understand that the modern version of the Langstroth beehive is a bastardization of the hive design that Lorrenzo was issued a patent for in 1852.
  20. Those who understand that there only a handful of leaders in the world who are creating alternatives to the modern methods that are slowly killing honey bees and at the same time, destroying the art and perverting the science of bee animal husbandry.
  21. Those who realize that the honey industry, not unlike the meat industry, cares not for humanely keeping and protecting apis mellifera, et al, but prescribe methods and equipment that promote maximum profit outcomes as an incentive for just a few of the largest, most efficient, and often most inhumane beekeeper entities.
  22. Those who realize that honey bees do not, nor have ever, needed humans to prosper.
  23. Those who realize and can prove with the most basic and dire statistics that humans not only are destroying honey bee health and productivity, but are destroying the natural world on an industrial scale, and it isn’t the backyard beekeeper who is leading this destruction, but it is the backyard beekeeper who is just going along with it, passively and unwittingly.
  24. Those who understand that the horrific and tragic mortality of honey bees is just another canary in the coal mine.
  25. Those who realize that it will take maverick beekeepers who Think Outside the Pine Box™ to reverse the direction the commercialization and exploitation of apis mellifera has been going since the intervention of the natural processes of the honey bee schema by homo sapiens, all so they can rob the bees of their food.
  26. Those who appreciate art and function and form.
  27. Those who can:
    1. Admit there is a problem.
    2. Admit there is a solution.
    3. Commit to finding the optimum solution.
    4. Commit to implementing the solution.
  28. Those who understand that they are not alone and there are millions of humans who want to do the right thing by honey bees.
  29. Those who understand there needs to be a cultural revolution to lead beekeeping and the plight of honey bees in a more holistic, healthy and sustainable direction. 
  30. Those beekeepers who realize that there are enemies of Mother Nature who will stop at nothing to perpetuate the disastrous results that brutal beekeeping by humans has created.
  31. Those who understand that the human demand for honey has outpaced the supply of honey using sustainable practices.
  32. Those who understand that it is not okay to keep millions if not billions of honey bees in areas of the natural world without expectation of adverse effects to native species.
  33. Those who know the grim statistic that nearly 80% of insects on earth have already been killed in modern times.
  34. Those who understand that certain entities are killing billions of honey bees, on purpose, for political objectives.
  35. Those who can discern a Mother Nature’s cloud from a manmade cloud.
  36. Those who understand indoctrination, mind control, psychological operations and the political reasons behind them.
  37. Those who know why, that in the very near future, they will need a thief-resistant beehive.
  38. Those who realize that, in the very near future, the decline of native pollinators will, ironically, necessitate keeping of honey bees as a primary pollinator.
  39. Those who understand that Native Americans’ proverbs summarized why we need to respect the natural world. Example: “The earth is our mother. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons and daughters of the earth.” And, “It is not necessary to understand everything, only to understand the things that are necessary.”
  40. Those who know that it is necessary to understand a system before one can understand the individual components of that system, and vice-versa. Full knowledge is a process of reaching the state of comprehensiveness, that is eternally elusive.
  41. Those who realize that hiking a seemingly insurmountable mountain begins with the first step, and changing the culture of beekeeping is a mountain of great proportion.
  42. Those who know that modern beekeeping is on the road to ruin.
  43. Those who know that honey bees will not disappear; the honey industry will disappear if the same-old-same-old prevails.
  44. Those who know that honey bees’ present population is dependent upon the bee-breeding industry production; this state of affairs has supplanted Mother Nature, and this can’t possibly turn out well.
  45. Those who understand that no wild species has ever been successfully domesticated without profound consequences.
  46. Those who realize that the process of learning beekeeping best practices comes at the fatal expense of the bees themselves, and the finances of the beekeeper, and that most of the mistakes are baked in the modern Langstroth hive-cake.
  47. Those who know that the chemical treatment for the number 1 issue adversely affecting honey bees – varroa mites – is likely contributing to the high mortality of honey bees on a world-wide scale.
  48. Those who know that chemical treatment for any adverse health effect associated with honey bees is, eventually, a snake eating its own tail.
  49. Those who understand that keeping vast numbers of honey bees must also include keeping vast numbers of wildflowers – the two are synonymous and inseparable to avoid negative effects on native species.
  50. Those who know that pontificating about the problems associated with honey bee keeping without application of holistic solutions will only result in doing what you always did to get what you always got.
  51. Those who want the most advanced beehive ever made and understand that it comes with a commensurate price that they are willing to pay.

At Bee Fortress USA, Inc. we see the vast set of deeply incorporated problems in the honey industry – the 10,000-foot view – and know that a new course to follow is a new culture that must be adopted by a great many of beekeepers, otherwise, the industry will eventually collapse into a heap of financial ruin for many of its participants. And we suspect that the morphology, on a cellular level, of honey bees will be corrupted to the point it may take countless generations of honey bees, and beekeepers, to adapt to, and overcome, the damage to honey bees that is ongoing and all done by humans. #AllBees’LivesMatter and we must not only resolve the plight of honeybees, but also the spread of negative effects to the native/wild bees in the forage arena.

The Fortress Beehive, and its first cousin, The Varroa Destructor Mite-Killing System (coming soon) are essential to overcome the callous treatment and heavy exploitation of the honey bee.

To increase entry potential into the Bee Fortress product line, we’ve made all of the elements of the Fortress Beehive available to those with modern Langstroth beehives, which are designed to increase its effectiveness, so that it can become a better home for honey bees.

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